Lincoln and I play this game where I say "I love you so much." Then he says it faster and I have to say it when he says it. He laughs so hard and we play for a few minutes. I love this part of the day.
We were going to Lincolns preschool and he saw his tie in his room and he insisted on wearing it. I told him he could only wear it for special days but it wasn't a battle I was ready to fight. I surrendered and Linc won.
We went to Chick-fil-A last Wednesday (which is kids night: buy a value meal get a kids meal free), and he was so excited for his icecream cone. Also, when we were waiting in line, the man in front of us dropped the penny, Lincoln picked it up and handed it to him. The man than gave him a quarter instead of a penny. I was telling him that he gets blessings when he does nice things for others and he says "I say, Heavenly Father thank you." What a sweet little kid he is. I just love him so much.
Lincoln is such a cutie! You gotta love their little personalities :)
He is so cute. He is always so chill. Look at how he crosses his legs even when he's coloring. He's way toooo cool.
How cute are the pics of him & Daddy. Oh my gosh... to cute for words! What a stud!!! Love you guys!
What a cute little boy! That is funny cause Keili will always climb up on our shoulders when we are sitting down too. I havent seen you guys for so long!!
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