Thursday, November 6, 2008

NOT FUNNY....right

One morning we were all snuggling in bed and Lincoln said he wanted some cereal. So, usually he goes and gets the box and a bowl and brings it to us to pour (I know...lazy), anyways this was the result to the I want cereal. How do you not laugh when he is in trouble. I love being a Mom.
He said he made us one.


amy16 said...

Been there, done that. Just be glad that chocolate milk lid is on tight. He's so cute and thoughtful to make you one.

Claire Evenson said...

Thanks! Our photographer is a friend of my doula. He's only done weddings and this was his first time doing newborns and families.

I do the same thing with Elle and have her get her cereal and bowl. HAHA

Congrats on your new addition*Have any names picked out?!

Julie said...

This is pretty darn funny! I love that--when they are in trouble and you are laughing or trying to hold it back. I love that he had a few bowls for everybody!