Thursday, October 22, 2009


Lincoln and I went on a special date night to the yummy Wingers. He was such a great helper to me in my everyday life. From getting diapers, making sure James is safe, by putting away the silverware from the dishwasher, changing the loads of laundry for me....and many, many more. He is such an incredible kid. I am SO amazed by him everyday. The funniest things he does is when he calls me out when I am wrong. It's hilarious. i LOVE his squeezes.

Lincoln is incredibly gifted at the i-phone. Ask anyone! And yes mastering the i-phone is a gift.

James wanted the phone. But instead of getting mad for bugging him he grabbed his finger and started teaching him how to play. I see a great brotherly friendship in the making.

Here is Lincoln doing what he does best. . . being a great little helper and loving up on his brother.

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