Saturday, October 16, 2010

BYU vs San Diego State

We decided to take the two boys to the San Diego State vs BYU game. We bundled them up and brought lots of blankets, and it ended up being a pretty warm day. James wasn't as bad as we thought an 18 mth old would be. We shoved cotton candy and treats in his mouth. while Lincoln ended up playing with the I-phone for most of the game. The fun part was having him blow the whistle whenever the scored. He also, loves to sing the fight song.

Oh and by the way I was 37 weeks pregnant and had my baby on that Monday night. Gotta love a good football game to put you into labor. Luckily it wasn't during the game.
James first and only game of the year.


Brett, Jenny, and Taylor... said...

Love all of your updates! Your not that behind anymore Yeah!!!

Amber said...

Aw, you look so cute! You need to blog about cute baby. I want to see pictures, I have no idea what he looks like!