Friday, September 21, 2007

This weeks news!

Lincolns new carseat. He loves to look at us and dance to the music in his new chair.

Lincoln and Jonah had fun playing with Lincoln's new potty. They both tried to get in it. It was funny until they were pushing each other off of it. I love them.


The Hale's said...

Oh man! I wish Keili could sit facing forward in the car. The doc says the rate she is growing she will be 18 months before she can. Why does Lincoln have a toilet already? Starting early on the training?

Brett, Suzie, Taylor & Hayden said...


I love your blog! It is so much better than mine!!! I started mine a few months ago in order to keep in touch with everyone back in SLC. Yours is so great, I totally loved the slide shows, and I copied you and put some in mine (sorry, but thanks!). Your little boy is growing up so fast! He is just adorable and it looks like you are enjoying every precious moment with him. Cherish it all, because they do grow up before you know it.